This morning Audrey had her follow up from her mouth surgery. Doctor said everything looks pretty good. We will have another visit in about 3 months to see how things are continuing to heal. We continue to pray that the holes would close up entirely in her mouth. We have already seen positive changes with Audrey's speech. The doctor gave the okay for Audrey to broaden her eating. So she was super excited to stop and get a breakfast sandwich on her way to school :-) it's the little things right? Audrey has really been through a lot in her almost 7 years of life, and with all of the difficult things we have seen God's hand in it all. God's grace is evident in so many ways. A friend sent us this verse the other day, and it is reassuring and comforting. Isaiah 40:11 He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Praying God uses our lives to lead us in ways th...